To join GP, click the link below
and follow the directions. You will need to submit an application
before your membership will be approved.
G P Website |
Grieving Parents
Internet Community

was founded on January 16, 1999.
GP is an international
Internet community and e-mail support group for parents whose sons
or daughters have died of any cause of death, at any age.
Our mission is to offer understanding, support, information,
connections and hope.
GP is an all volunteer community. There is no charge to join, and no
one gets paid.
We also have 2 small partner groups for parents whose children died
when they were very young and pre-teen age, 1 group for
grandparents, and another group for those who want to be able to
share share their Christian faith with others who appreciate the
religious connection. |

Click the button to join
either group.