Parents Forever

PF was founded on March 3, 2007.

Click the button to join either group.

F F o S

P o S

H o m e

PF is an international Internet community and e-mail support group for bereaved parents who have reached a point in their journey when they are no longer focused on their child's death, but on living again.

PF members should be at least 8 to 10 years removed from the time of the death of their son or daughter. They should accept that life does go on, even in the face of overwhelming loss. They should be comfortable with their loss and not controlled by it. They should have worked through most of their guilt, anger, and pain.
They can look to the future and are generally at peace with themselves.

PF is an all volunteer community. There is no charge to join, and no one gets paid.

To join PF, click Parents Forever below and follow the directions. You will need to submit an application before your membership will be approved.

Parents Forever