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1 lg. bottle soy sauce
optional: onion powder
salt & pepper to taste
stewing beef - cubed (allow about 1 lb. per person)
bacon grease
bean sprouts canned & rinsed, or fresh (one can per lb. of beef)
1/2 small box of corn starch & water
mixed to thicken gravy
You’ll need a large stew (soup) pot, a pot to cook potatoes, a strainer, a
large bowl, a medium sized bowl, a soup bowl and two large spoons, one with
holes and one without (gets messy without a spoon rest). Oh and a stove,
don’t forget the stove, my Shawn would say. Sssshhhhh - it’s a secret: In
the large pot, melt 1/4 cup bacon grease on high heat. Add the cubed beef,
salt and pepper and onion powder and stir until the meat is browned
(seared). Add water to cover the meat (maybe about an inch over the meat).
Add a half bottle of soy sauce. Bring to a boil. Stir. Turn the heat down to
between medium and low (to allow to simmer). Shawn would say now boil
the beejeebers out of it. About 45 minutes a lb. give or take. Add water as
you go along if necessary to keep the meat covered. The last hour before the
meat is done, use the spoon with the holes and remove the meat from the pot
and place in med. bowl. Strain and rinse your bean sprouts. Strain again.
Try to make sure they are relatively dry. Make your sauce of the corn starch
and water in a soup bowl. Bringing the juice that is in the pot on the stove
back up to boiling, stir in the cornstarch/water mixture and thicken the
juice. It will look like gravy now, make it really really thick gravy. So
thick that you may have to pick a few lumps of cornstarch out. Put the meat
back into the pot. Add the bean sprouts to the pot. Yes, it’s hard stirring…ahhh
but so worth it. You will notice the gravy becoming less thick in texture as
the bean sprouts are added. That’s why it’s so necessary to dry them pretty
well after rinsing. You want your finished product to be at least as thick
as homemade beef stew. Turn the burner down to simmer the mixture. Keep an
eye on it because the bean sprouts and thick gravy will stick to the bottom
of the pot. Simmer for about an hour. While you are simmering the mixture
peel, dice and cook potatoes. The potatoes and the mixture should be ready
at the same time. Turn off the burner and strain your potatoes. Turn off the
burner under the mixture.
3 T. light brown sugar
1 clove garlic
1 large onion
black pepper or hot pepper sauce to taste
Combine marinade ingredients in a blender and blend well.
Trim flank steak, pierce generously with a fork. Place meat
in large freezer ziptop bag or covered container. Pour marinade over meat.
Marinate in fridge for 6 - 8 hours. Drain meat from marinade, reserving
marinade. Boil reserved marinade for at least five minutes and use as a mop
sauce for the grilled meat. Put steak on hot grill and grill, turning twice,
to desired doneness. Remove from grill and slice steaks into 1 inch slices,
cutting against the grain of the meat.
Note: Moe so loved a great steak. This was a must at all 4th of July
Mare Sanford - Montana
In loving memory of
Jack Clason "Moe" Sanford
Mix hamburger, cheese and onion. Pat into thin round burgers and place on
half bun. Make sure the burgers are thin. (It's okay if the burger extends
over the bun). Place on a cookie sheet Broil 5 - 10 minutes.
Rose Vaness - Michigan
In loving memory of
Rick Pleau
Parents of Suicides
Friends and Families of