Member: Erica
Auckland New Zealand

~~In Loving Memory of~~
John Eric van der Werff (27)
07/19/73 - 11/22/00
"No one can look ahead and say what his life will
but everyone can look back
and say what it was.
We want to remember kindness he did to creatures
that have as much right to be here as he did"
Gone to soon.
Our most dearly loved youngest son and brother.
Mother: Erica - Auckland NZ
Father: Joop - The Netherlands
Brother: Mark - Auckland NZ
Sister: Imelda - Christchurch NZ

Sandy Ogle

***May She Rest In Peace***
Together with her loving son once again on
November 26, 2003 after losing her fight with Cancer.
A lasting memory to Parents of Suicides!
Tennessee, USA
~~In Loving Memory of~~
Rodney Ogle (29)
June 12, 1970 - March 6, 2000

"Forever remembered and forever loved.
Our love for you will never die.
I wish I could have held you
and led you from this darkest hour.
Yes, my son,
we are and always will be one.
We will be together again someday.
To Those I Love
When I am gone, release me, let me go
I have so many things to see and do
You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love. You can only guess
How much you gave to me in happiness
I thank you for the love you have shown
But now it's time I traveled on alone.
So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It's only for a while that we must part
So bless the memories with your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on
So if you need me, call and I will come
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near
And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear
All of my love around you soft and clear.
And then, when you must come this way alone
I'll greet you with a smile, and welcome you home.

Member: Vicki
Iowa, USA

~~In Loving Memory of~~
Matthew Eugene Johnson Heckroth (17)
August 3, 1983 - November 6, 2000
Little we knew when we awoke
The sorrows the day would bring
The call was sudden, shock severe
To part with one we loved so dear
You bid no one a last farewell
Or even said good-bye
You were gone before we knew
And only God knows why
For all of us you did your best
God grant you eternal rest.
We Love and Miss you Matt.
You will always be our "Little Buddy".
Love Mom, Dad, Heidi, Melissa and Breanna

Member: Linda Hensley

~~In Loving Memory of~~
Michael Shaw (39)
March 1, 1961 - December 6, 2000
Last night I had a crazy dream,
A wish was granted just for me.
It could be for anything.
I didn't ask for money,
Or a masion in Malibu.
I simply wished for one more day with you.
One more day,
One more time.
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied.
But then again I know what it would do.
Leaving me wishing still for one more day
with you.
One more day,
first thing I'd do is pray for time
to crawl.
I'd unplug the telephone,
Keep the TV off,
I'd hold you every second,
Say a million I love you's.
That's what I'd do,
with one more day with you.
My dear Mike if only I had one more day.
Missing you more & more
Your Mom

Member: Shelia
Florida, USA

~~In Loving Memory of~~
John Elvio Milam (27)
01/30/74 - 01/31/01

John entered our life at 10 years of age.
He was a confused and scared little boy
afraid to make a commitment.
He struggled with his illness of Schizophrenia and Bipolar.
As parents we earned his love and trust.
He grew into a handsome man.
He made many strides in his life
to improve himself and reached his career goals
only a few short months before his death.
We were so proud of him.
He could never except the adoption issues within himself.
In despair he shot himself in the head
the night of his 27th birthday.
You are truly loved and so sadly miss,
Mom and Dad
Shelia and Donald Milam

Member: Maria "Concha" Rodriquez
Texas, USA

~~In Loving Memory of~~
Roberto Rodriquez Limones(33)
June 11, 1965 - May 28, 1999
Gunshot under chin with his own service revolver
BELOVED father, brother and son
Robert you may be gone today,
but your memories will remain with us
forever and ever!
We Love YOU and MISS YOU!

Member: Jack Cassidy
Pennsylvania, USA

~~In Loving Memory of~~
Patricia (Patti) Ann Cassidy (17)
March 17, 1979 - October 1, 1996
"My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh my friends-
It gives a lovely light!"
Missed by mom and dad forever.

Member: Chris
Florida, USA

~~In Loving Memory of~~
William Thomas Zacharias-Mitchell (15)
August 20, 1984 - September 30, 1999

Member: Karen
New Jersey, USA

~~In Loving Memory of~~
George W. Rogers III (20)
October 26, 1979 - June 5, 2000

Member: Joyce

~~In Loving Memory of~~
Karen (33)
June 18, 1967 - September 16, 2000
I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one,
I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles
day is done.
I'd like to leave an echo,
whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times
and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve
to dry before the sun,
Of happy memories that I leave behind,
When the day is done..........

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