
The 6th annual Spring Retreat was held the week-end of April
15th in Pavo, Georgia for the purpose of providing time away from the 'real' world for members
of POS to gather together and celebrate the lives of our children, family and
Special guests were those who came from countries outside of the United
States to attend.
Rona Raphael from Scottland Bob and Lynda Humphrey from England
Rosaleen McCabe from Ireland
This year... We re-dedicated the willow tree (donated by Faye, mother of Lisa
spring 2004),
and places special rocks under it in memory of ALL who died by suicide,
Decorated stepping stones, placed our loved ones names
on them & placed them around the butterfly pavilion, Sharing
circles, Held our annual Peace Fire Ceremony,
And... Most important, we shared memories, tears and hugs with each
other, solidifying friendships which were created via the internet, a world
without boundaries.
While you were here, did you see...

Placed at the top of the stairs, while entering
the Butterfly Dorm, aka Snoratorium
Painted and Donated byTheresa Werth (Bud's wife).

Placed at the top of the stairs, while entering
the Butterfly Dorm, aka Snoratorium
Painted and
Donated byTheresa Werth (Bud's wife).

"Butterfly Throne"
Placed in the Butterfly Dorm
Donated by Bunkie Rivkin
A BIG thank you
goes to... Karyl and Ronnie for opening up their home
to the POS and FFOS family for the 6th year in a row.
and to... Rosaleen, Anne Toner, and Bunkie for
taking the special time
it took to create our "beautiful" retreat booklets
and retreat certificates. And thank you also to...
all who brought food, gifts or chairs, who shared something, offered
entertainment, provided a listening ear or caring hug, who helped
clean up, who donated to cover catering costs, who helped provide
transportation, and who honored us with your presence.
Until next year!