Spring Retreat 2006
Retreat Booklet Cover
Created by: Rosaleen McCabe, Mother of Anthony (Dublin Ireland),
with help from Anne Toner, also Dublin Ireland.
Thank You both for a beautifully, and most professionally done job.
April 21, 2006 thru April 23, 2006
The 7th annual Spring Retreat was held in Columbia, Tennesee,
for the purpose of providing time
away from the 'real' world
for members of POS and FFOS to gather
and celebrate the lives of our son's, daughter's, family and friends.
This year...
We gathered in the Butterfly Pavilion
for the Dedication of the
Actual International Suicide Memorial Wall. Visit the
Suicide Wall Dedication Page
to bring back those memories or see and read about the dedication.
Visited and enjoyed Karyl's new home in Columbia Tennessee.
We all see and understand why she has chosen such a house close to her
son to carry on the retreat tradition.
Had our very special "Sharing circles,"
Held our annual "Peace Fire Ceremony,"
Most important, we shared memories, tears
and hugs with each
other, solidifying friendships
which were created via the internet, a world
without boundaries.
Special guests were :
Bob and Lynda Humphrey, Parents of Darren from England
Rosaleen McCabe, Mother of Anthony from Ireland
Rona Raphael, Mother of Nicola from
Helen Logie, Mother of Peter & Glen Van Der Walt from South Africa
Elizabeth Bishop, Aunt of Steven Hajdinjak from Canada
Shari Greer, Mother to Butch Herbert from Canada
Margaret Hajdinjak, Mother of Steven Hajdinjak from Canada
Ron & Monet (Karyl's son and his special girlfriend)
Special thanks go out to Karyl and Ronnie for opening up their ~NEW~ home
to the POS and FFOS family.
Thanks also go out to...
all who brought food, gifts or chairs, who shared something, offered
entertainment, provided a listening ear or caring hug, who helped
clean up, who donated to cover catering costs and extra donations, who helped provide
transportation, and who honored us with your presence & to Deb Jones for
her her
wonderful donation of butterfly bushes.
Hope to see you Next Year!
Group Photo
Memorial Wall
Page #1
Page #2
Photos Page
Friends and Families of Suicides