Memorial Cookbook

Those Who Have Died
by Suicide


I Am Alive
By: Jeff Shuck

I may have lost my brother, my sister, my parent, my child, my spouse, my friend, but I am a survivor of the long dark night of unspeakable loss, the unbearable pain, of my own darkness... and I am alive.

I am unwilling to stand idly by and allow shame to defeat love, or silence to defeat action.
I stand for the enlightenment of a society that would hide from suicide, that would avoid, that would pretend... and I am alive.

I am unwilling for my perseverance to be in vain,
unwilling for the passing of my loved one to be in shame.
I loved them more than I loved myself and their life will have meaning in my action. I am resolved..., and I am alive.

In a world blinded by the pursuit of pleasure, I am here to say that people are in pain. 
In a world rushing to get ahead, I am here to say that people are being left behind. 
In a world obsessed with the value of the market, I am here to speak for the value of life..., and I am alive.

This will be no quiet fight, for I am the voice of audacity in the face of apathy. 
I am the spirit of bravery in a world of action.  I am a commitment to action in the face of neutrality. 

I am out of the darkness; I am into the light. And, I am alive.


An Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Awareness was held on the week-end of August 18, 2002, culminating in Washington, DC. The walk raised $2 million for suicide prevention.

This speech was given by Jeff Shuck, V.P. of Productions, at the opening and closing ceremonies.





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Parents of Suicide
Friends and Families of Suicide


 Created with Love for
ALL of our loved ones by:
Elaine Davison
Mother of Mark Baker
Rose City, Mi
07/31/80 to 01/05/98

© 06/2004
All rights reserved



"On The Internet"
"We Remember Them"
"When Someone is Too Bruised to be Touched"
"Recipe Contributors"


"I Am Alive"
        By: Jeff Shuck


  • Angelic Appetizers & Beverages

    "POS is a Light House"
           By: Alice Stephen


  • Special Soups & Salads

     "The Invisible Cord"
            With Love From Terri Apostolakos


  • Various Vegetables & Side Dishes


    "Parents of a Suicide"
            By Denise Bellion


  • Mouth-Watering Main Dishes


    "Special Quotes"


  • Butterfly Breads & Rolls


    "Words To Ponder"


  • Delicious Desserts

    "A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss and Suicide"
            By: Iris Bolton


  • Yummy Cookies & Candy


    "We Remember Them"
            ~From the Jewish Book of Prayer~


  • Vivacious Variety