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Special Quotes
Personally, I think we all don’t even start to climb out of the murky depths
until we’ve fully explored them.
-Rosalinda Raynes Milly’s Mum
“The cocoon represents their lives and their being wrapped up by their pain
and hopelessness. The butterfly represents their freedom from the pain.
-Lloyd Carson, Stephen’s dad
None of us would part with a single one of our memories yet they are all so
laced with pain. They need and desire to touch and hold our child again
brings and ache that has no release.
-Willis Day, Nathan & Rachel’s dad
To look to the future when the past still haunts us is a daunting task, but
what other choice do we have? We can’t change the past, we are stuck with
it, all we can do is try to live the best we can and to make the best of it.
-Jack Cassidy, Patti’s dad
Losing a child is like a broken down car. To go in reverse brings painful
memories. To go forward is too scary without your child. So we sit in
neutral with our hands clutched to the emergency brake, hoping someday to
find a way to run again.
-Denise Bellion, Carl’s mom
That’s the only thing that could help me at times’ someone to help me cry.
Just shut up and sit and be quiet while I cry. This thing called grief is a
strange thing indeed.
-Maggie Zarcufsky, Shaun’s mom
Small things matter so much to me now - the sunsets, perfume of flowers,
smiles on faces, laughter, etc. They are all things I took for granted
before but now I see them differently. -Janine Chappell, Cory’s mom
I ache… I can’t breathe… I’m drowning in tears. Their names aren’t supposed
to be in granite. They are supposed to be on diploma’s from medical school,
hanging on the wall in their offices. They aren’t supposed to be gone.
-Brenda Adkins, Jason’s and Rick’s mom
When I am too tired to tread on water or swim, I just look to the sky and
float. It requires very little energy and if you can relax and feel God’s
love shining on your face, you may find life a bit easier for the moment.
-Barbara, mother of Spence
I have always believed we can share our joy, but not our sorrow; sorrow is a
solidary thing. Most of the days of our lives are just in different shades
of gray. The sorrow went deep inside me. Joy is inside-out. Grief is
outside-in. The sorrow stabbed into my soul.
-Mare Sanford, Moe’s mom
"On The Internet"
"We Remember Them"
"When Someone is Too Bruised to be Touched"
"Recipe Contributors"
"I Am Alive"
By: Jeff Shuck
"POS is a Light House"
By: Alice Stephen
"The Invisible Cord"
With Love From Terri Apostolakos
"Parents of a Suicide"
By Denise Bellion
"A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss and Suicide"
By: Iris Bolton
"We Remember Them"
~From the Jewish
Book of Prayer~